

Bulgaria Love/불가리아 뉴스 652

Last Public Discussion on Electricity and Heating Prices Increase from July 1

Last Public Discussion on Electricity and Heating Prices Increase from July 1 Last public discussion on electricity and heating prices increase from July 1, this time with the participation of civilian organizations. Yesterday, the National ombudsman of Bulgaria Maya Manolova has requested from the KEVR (EWRC) the financial statements for the activities of the electricity distr..

Bulgarian Regional Ministry Imposed Sanctions for BGN 22.6 Million for Violations of EU Projects

Bulgarian Regional Ministry Imposed Sanctions for BGN 22.6 Million for Violations of EU Projects Targeting unlawful selection criteria, methodology, or assignment metrics. These are the most common violations in the preparation and implementation of procurement procedures for projects funded under the 2014-2020 Growth Regions Operational Program. The omissions are mainly allowe..

The Rules on which the National Assembly May Propose Candidates for a CEM Member

The Rules on which the National Assembly May Propose Candidates for a CEM Member The Parliamentary Committee on Culture and Media adopted the rules for the nomination of candidates for membership of the Council for Electronic Media (CEM) from the quota of the National Assembly, as well as the selection procedure. It is expected that the rules will be voted in Plenary next week,..