지식창고,뉴스/스마트팜.농업233 OKECHAMP Group OKECHAMP Group In 2008, OKECHAMP S.A. became the strategic investor for F&F Europe B.V. in the Netherlands. Nowadays, while still remaining autonomous entities, together the companies form OKECHAMP Group - a European mushroom producer whose core values are innovation and quality without compromise. We are active in all segments of the mushroom business, starting from the production of compost, t.. 2010. 7. 12. Strong competition from Poland on mushroom market Strong competition from Poland on mushroom market At the beginning of the 21st century the production of mushrooms in the Netherlands decreased. The low point was reached in 2006. The decrease in production especially in 2006 was the result of a smaller area and quality problems with the compost because of green mould. Production increased again during subsequent years. A strong increase in are.. 2010. 7. 12. 농업보조금을 알면 불가리아 투자가 보인다 농업보조금을 알면 불가리아 투자가 보인다 - 최대 시장에 인접한 농업투자 최적지, 보조금을 활용한 투자진출 필요 - 소피아KBC 정순혁 □ 불가리아 농업투자 환경 o 불가리아는 유럽동남부에 위치한 전형적인 농업국가로 천혜의 농업환경을 갖추고 있음. - 불가리아의 전체 농지면적은 305만 헥타아르(.. 2009. 11. 26. 이전 1 ··· 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 ··· 78 다음