지식창고,뉴스/스마트팜.농업233 새송이, 팽이버섯 거침없는 질주....구미시장 수출 새바람! 새송이, 팽이버섯 거침없는 질주....구미시장 수출 새바람! 김경호 /친환경 매거진, 작성일 : 08-05-13 올해 들어 새송이, 팽이버섯 수출이 놀라운 기세로 증가하고 있다. 농림수산식품부와 aT(농수산물유통공사, 사장 윤장배)에 의하면 금년 1/4분기 새송이, 팽이버섯 수출액은 3,365천불로 전년동기 대비 146.. 2010. 7. 12. MARKET FOR MUSHROOMS MARKET FOR MUSHROOMS The world market for the mushroom industry was valued at over US $40 billion in 2001. The industry consists of, edible mushrooms (US $30 billion), medicinal products (US $9-10 billion) and wild mushrooms (US $4-5 billion). The majority of this production occurs in China who produced 70.6% of the total world production in 2002. While the white button mushroom remains the high.. 2010. 7. 12. Mushroom economics in China Mushroom economics in China Last april, Mushroom Business published an article on Dragon Companies in China. This time, Dr. Dinghaun Hu and Dr. Xiaoyong Zhang will focus on the Chinese mushroom economy in general. How did the remarkable achievements in this field come about, and how about the threats and challenges they present for other mushroom producing countries? By Dr. Dinghaun Hu, Institu.. 2010. 7. 12. 이전 1 ··· 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 ··· 78 다음