Bulgaria Love1201 GERB: We Will Not Uphold Any of Amendments to Electoral Code Proposed by President Radev January 14, 2021, Thursday // 18:33 "President Radev has demonstrated that he is not capable of building consensus and has scheduled the elections for April 4. Since the summer, he has proposed that elections should be in November or December. On December 7, he set the date for March 28. Then the consultations began. Everyone said they were ready to go to the polls on that date. Today Radev anno.. 2021. 1. 15. Bulgaria’s President with Official Address to Nation, Election Date Set for April 4 Jan 15, 2021 President Rumen Radev announced the date of the parliamentary elections in spring during his extraordinary address to nation. The vote will take place on April 4, for which the Head of State has already signed a decree. According to Radev, the elections take on a fateful meaning. He stressed the need for amendments to the Electoral Code that should not be limited to guaranteeing the.. 2021. 1. 15. 불가리아 개황 불가리아 Bulgaria 유럽 대륙의 남동쪽에 있는 발칸반도의 남동부에 있는 나라. 위치 : 유럽 동남부 면적 : 110,994㎢ 인구 : 817만 2000명(2000) 인구밀도 : 73.6명/㎢(2000) 수도 : 소피아(Sofia) 정체 : 공화제 공용어 : 불가리아어 통화 : 레바(Leva) 환율 : 2.25Lv=1달러(2000.10) 1인당 국민총생산 : 2,220 달러(1998) 나라꽃 : 붉은 장미 정식명칭은 불가리아 공화국(Republic of Bulgaria)이다. 북쪽은 도나우(다뉴브)강을 국경으로 루마니아와 접하고, 동쪽은 흑해, 남쪽은 터키와 그리스, 서쪽은 유고슬라비아와 국경을 접한다. 자연 불가리아 중앙부를 발칸산맥(스타라플라니나)이 서에서 동으로 뻗어 있어 그 남과 북은 기후가 .. 2021. 1. 13. 이전 1 ··· 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 ··· 401 다음