CBMC. 만나785 과거를 회상하고 미래를 바라보다 PONDERING THE PAST, LOOKING TO THE FUTURE 과거를 회상하고 미래를 바라보다 By: Rick Boxx For most of us, the start of every New Year brings excitement and anticipation for what we might expect over the next 12 months. I often find it fun to envision the wonderful things the future holds for me and my family. Rarely, however, do I take much time to reflect over the year that has just.. 2007. 12. 31. 네 심장의 고동소리를 들으며 춤을 추어라! LISTEN TO YOUR HEARTBEAT AND DANCE! 네 심장의 고동소리를 들으며 춤을 추어라! By: Robert J. Tamasy Recently I opened a small piece of chocolate candy and printed on the inside of the wrapper was a thought: “Listen to your heartbeat and dance.” How appropriate for me, especially at this moment. 최근에 나는 자그마한 한 조각의 초컬릿 캔디 포장을 뜯어 보.. 2007. 12. 25. 공짜 점심과 크리스마스 선물 FREE LUNCHES AND CHRISTMAS GIFTS 공짜 점심과 크리스마스 선물 By: Robert J. Tamasy There is an old saying in the business and professional world: “There is no such thing as a free lunch.” But you might protest, “I get free lunches once in awhile. In fact, last week a sales representative for a company we do a lot of business with took me to lunch.” That proves the point &#.. 2007. 12. 17. 이전 1 ··· 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 ··· 262 다음