CBMC. 만나793 시간을 보내는 일과 비전을 만드는 일 PASSING TIME AND CREATING VISION (시간을 보내는 일과 비전을 만드는 일) -By Jim Mathis One of the startling realities of life is how quickly time passes. Children grow up and people get old in what seems like an instant. Realizing your friend’s little girl has been married for twelve years or that your “new car” is eight years old always comes as a shock. Y.. 2013. 5. 20. 직장에서 갖는 용기 COURAGE IN THE WORKPLACE (직장에서 갖는 용기) - By Robert J. Tamasy For many people in today’s workplace, security is their primary concern: A steady job; an acceptable income; manageable job responsibilities; predictable expectations. And who can blame them? With the world economy remaining as uncertain as ever, simply having a job is a blessing. So avoid saying or .. 2013. 5. 13. 역경 중에 믿음을 지키는 일 KEEPING FAITH DURING ADVERSITY (역경 중에 믿음을 지키는 일) - By Rick Boxx Practicing one’s faith in the pragmatic, bottom-line business and professional world, where seeing is believing, is difficult enough. Faith is especially hard to come by during times of economic adversity. A recent mortgage fraud case reminded me of this truth. 실용적이고, 수익을 .. 2013. 5. 6. 이전 1 ··· 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 ··· 265 다음