

Bulgaria Love 1168

불가리아 주요 경제뉴스 ( 12 – 19 DECEMBER 2008 )

BULGARIAN ECONOMIC TOP NEWS DIGEST WEEKLY REPORT ( 12 – 19 DECEMBER 2008 ) Sections/headline briefs: MACROECONOMY: · Construction of Bulgaria's Belene N-plant to start in 2nd half of 2009 · Skopje wants to join in Belene NPP construction · Bulgaria to transfer qualified laborers from Kozloduy NPP to Belene NPP · Turkmenistan ready to sell some 2.000 million cubic meters of natural gas ..

불가리아 주요 경제뉴스 ( 28 NOVEMBER – 5 DECEMBER 2008 )

BULGARIAN ECONOMIC TOP NEWS DIGEST WEEKLY REPORT ( 28 NOVEMBER – 5 DECEMBER 2008 ) Sections/headline briefs: MACROECONOMY: · Bulgaria to save € 6 B per year from energy import · Minister: We will not let Bulgaria receive sanctions · Official data show water losses in Bulgaria at 61.7% · Labor market in Bulgaria shrinks by 30% · Bulgaria enters 2009 with cigarette prices hike · B..

불가리아 주요 경제뉴스 ( 21 - 28 NOVEMBER 2008 )

BULGARIAN ECONOMIC TOP NEWS DIGEST WEEKLY REPORT ( 21 - 28 NOVEMBER 2008 ) Sections/headline briefs: MACROECONOMY: · Korean export for Bulgaria in 2007 exceeds USD 191 Million · Crisis slashes Bulgarian export by 20 percent · 2009 ‘Alternative Budget’ for Bulgaria presented · Bulgarian business with an anti-crisis plan · Bulgaria economists ask cabinet to create expert group to fol..

불가리아 주요 경제뉴스 ( 14 - 21 NOVEMBER 2008 )

BULGARIAN ECONOMIC TOP NEWS DIGEST WEEKLY REPORT ( 14 - 21 NOVEMBER 2008 ) Sections/headline briefs: MACROECONOMY: · Bulgarian, Jordanian foreign ministers discuss optimization of bilateral economic relations · GDF Suez could substitute RWE in NPP Belene? · NPP Belene reactors example for third generation reactors · Bulgaria produces 32 billion kWh for export · 5.6% increase of GDP in ..

불가리아 주요 경제뉴스 ( 7 – 14 NOVEMBER 2008 )

BULGARIAN ECONOMIC TOP NEWS DIGEST WEEKLY REPORT ( 7 – 14 NOVEMBER 2008 ) Sections/headline briefs: MACROECONOMY: · Presidents of Bulgaria, Argentina agree to promote bilateral economic relations · Ruse municipality to sell off property in industrial park · Bulgaria flooded by new wave of foreign workers · Bulgaria to receive €107M under FP "Fishery" · Coface: Corporate debts incre..

미국 금융위기에 따른 동유럽 국가위험도 진단

1. 글로벌 유동성위기 요인과 파급효과 □ 유동성위기의 주요 요인 □ 미국발 금융위기의 파급효과 2. 동유럽에 대한 국가위험도 분석 □ 국가위험도 평가기관의 평가결과 □ 국가위험도 평가 □ 투자환경위험 평가 □ 금융위기 요인의 반영문제 3. 요약 및 시사점 □ 우리나라와의 경제교류 실적 □ ..