

Bulgaria Love 1168

불가리아 주요 경제뉴스 ( 27 FEBRUARY – 6 MARCH 2009 )

BULGARIAN ECONOMIC TOP NEWS DIGEST WEEKLY REPORT ( 27 FEBRUARY – 6 MARCH 2009 ) Sections/headline briefs: MACROECONOMY: · IMF senior representative: Bulgaria to struggle posting economic growth in 2009 · Banks start year with a profit · Bulgaria business climate worsens in February 2009 · Biomass may reach 9% of Bulgaria's gross domestic energy consumption in 2020 INVESTMENTS: · Bulg..

불가리아 주요 경제 뉴스 ( 13 - 20 FEBRUARY 2009 )

BULGARIAN ECONOMIC TOP NEWS DIGEST WEEKLY REPORT ( 13 - 20 FEBRUARY 2009 ) Sections/headline briefs: MACROECONOMY: · Bulgarian economy grew by 6% in 2008 - official estimate · Report suggests huge fall in demand for Bulgaria products abroad · Bulgarian steel output may decline by 15% in 2009 · Bulgarians spend big money on pills · Bulgarian Lev – the Balkans’ strongest currency ·..

불가리아 주요 경제 뉴스 ( 30 JANUARY – 6 FEBRUARY 2009 )

BULGARIAN ECONOMIC TOP NEWS DIGEST WEEKLY REPORT ( 30 JANUARY – 6 FEBRUARY 2009 ) Sections/headline briefs: MACROECONOMY: · UK trade & investment head visits Bulgaria to promote recovery through trade · Parvanov and Medvedev to hold talks over gas · Parvanov: Bulgaria will again be energy centre on the Balkans · South Stream - an alternative for Europe · Stanishev lobbying for Nabucc..

불가리아에 무료급식 컨테이너를 후원해 주실 분 및 후원자를 구합니다.

+ 샬롬~! 불가리아에 불우하고 굶어가는 노인분들에게 무료급식을 소피아 한인교회에서 지난 약 15년의 시간동안 불우한, 굶주리는 불가리아 노인 100여 분에게 매주 제공하고 있습니다 현재, 매주 화, 금요일에 소피아 한인교회에서 점심식사를 제공하고 있습니다. 혜택을 받고자 하는 분들의 수요에 ..

불가리아 주요 경제뉴스 ( 23 – 30 JANUARY 2009 )

BULGARIAN ECONOMIC TOP NEWS DIGEST WEEKLY REPORT ( 23 – 30 JANUARY 2009 ) Sections/headline briefs: MACROECONOMY: · Japanese, Bulgarian ministers discuss relations, economic cooperation · Bulgaria and Japan to boost business relations · The parliament decided - Bulgaria is restarting the "Kozloduy" reactors · EC: We respect the decision of the Bulgarian parliament · Paris cuts Bulgar..

불가리아 주요 경제뉴스 ( 16 – 23 JANUARY 2009 )

BULGARIAN ECONOMIC TOP NEWS DIGEST WEEKLY REPORT ( 16 – 23 JANUARY 2009 ) Sections/headline briefs: MACROECONOMY: · Bulgaria president hits Asia for remainder of January · Bulgarian, Azeri presidents discuss power industry, energy security · EC: Bulgaria to expect 1.8% economic growth in 2009 · Bulgaria presses EU on re-opening of nuclear reactors · Starting Kozloduy NPP unit is a p..