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‘그래도 최고의 순간은 온다’

by KBEP 2012. 6. 26.


그래도 최고의 순간은 온다


By Fritz Klumpp

“If I am going to keep my head above water I need to hear everything the professor is saying.” Those were my thoughts as I struggled in an engineering class I was taking decades ago at the U.S. Naval Academy. I do not recall which class it was, but do remember having a difficult time. Looking to my left, however, I noticed my friend Paul was not struggling at all. He was sitting there…writing music! It was then I realized he was operating on a very different plane of performance than most of us.

어떠하던 버텨나가려면 교수님이 말하는 것을 모두 들어야 한다.” 그것이 내가 수십   미국 해군사관학교에서 엔지니어링 수업을 받느라고 안간 힘을 쓰면서 생각한 것이다나는 그것이 어떤 수업시간이었는지 기억이 나지 않지만힘든 시간을 보낸 일은 분명히 기억한다그런데,   왼쪽  친구 폴은 전혀 힘들어하지 않는다는 것을 알게 되었다그는 거기에 앉아 … 작곡을 하고 있었다!  그는 우리 대부분의 사람들과는 아주 다른 차원에서 일하고 있다는 것을 깨닫게 되었다.


Paul Robert Kleindorfer, affectionately known by his U.S. Naval Academy classmates as “Moose,” is one of the brightest men I have ever known. Upon arriving at the Naval Academy from North Judson, Indiana, U.S.A., Moose distinguished himself not only in academics, but also on the athletic field, the glee club, choir, and concert band. In spite of his accomplishments, many of us remember him best for his good nature and outstanding sense of humor.

 로버트 클라인도르퍼는 미국 해군사관학교 급우들 간에 무스라는 사랑스러운 이름으로 알려져 있었는데그는 내가 알고 있는 가장 명석한 사람들 중에  사람이다미국 인디아나주 노스 저드슨 출신으로 해군사관학교에 도착하자마자무스는 학업뿐만 아니라운동분야합창단성가대 그리고 콘서트 밴드에서도 두각을 나타내었다그가 그러한 성취를 하였음에도 불구하고 우리들 대다수는 그를 성품이 좋고 탁월한 유머감각이 있는 사람으로 가장  기억한다.

Following graduation, Moose took an officer’s commission in the Army. My wife, Ann, and I enjoyed visiting with him in Pensacola, Florida where I was going through Naval Flight Training while he was going through Special Forces training at Eglin Air Force Base. That was the last time I would see Moose for many years.

졸업을  다음에 무스는 육군 장교로 임관하였다 아내 앤과 나는 플로리다주 펜사콜라에 있는 그를 즐거운 마음으로 방문하였는데 거기서 나는 해군비행훈련을 받고 있었고 그는 에글린 공군기지에 있는 특수부대 훈련을 받고 있었다그때 내가 무스를 마지막으로 보고 여러  동안 보지 못하였다.

Today Moose, or more appropriately Dr. Kleindorfer, is a distinguished research professor in technology and operations management at INSEAD, the Business School for the World. He also is professor emeritus of management science at the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania, and has held university appointments at Carnegie Mellon University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the Wharton School, and several universities and international research institutes. He has published more than 25 books and numerous research papers.

오늘날 무스는또는   적절하게 말하자면클라인도르퍼 박사는 세계적인 비즈니스 스쿨인 INSEAD에서 기술과 운영관리의 탁월한 연구 교수이다그는 또한 펜실베니아 대학교에 있는 와튼 비즈니스 스쿨에서 경영과학의 명예교수이며그리고 카네기 멜론 대학교마사추세트 공대(MIT), 와튼 스쿨그리고 여러 대학교와 국제연구소에서 직책을 보유하고 있다그는 25 이상의 서적과 수많은 연구 논문을 발간하였다.

The last time I saw Moose was at the 50th reunion of our Naval Academy class. It was then that Moose informed us he has what is commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS), a disease of the nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord that control voluntary muscle movement.

내가 무어를 마지막으로  것은 50 해군사관학교 급우 동창회에서였다그때 무어는 우리에게 그가 루게릭병(근위축성 측색 경화증또는 ALS)이라고 일반적으로 알려진수의 근육 운동을 통제하는 뇌와 척추  신경세포의 병을 앓고 있다고 알려줬다.


Since he and his wife are living in Paris, France, it is not easy to keep up with the state of his health, but recently Moose gave us an update on his condition via e-mail. The terrible disease has taken such a toll he is now dependent on others for his most basic needs.

그와 그의 부인은 프랑스 파리에 살고 있었으므로 그의 건강상태에 대하여 아는 것은 쉽지 않았지만최근에 무어는 이메일로 자신의 근황을 우리에게 알려줬다 끔찍한 병은 그가 지금 가장 기초적인 필요사항에 대하여 다른 사람에게 의존할 만큼 타격을 주었다.


He ended his update by simply saying, “The best is yet to come.” I do not know if I have ever been more deeply moved or inspired than I was by those words of hope written by my friend Moose. only a man that knows God can speak of his future with such certainty.

그는 자신의 근황에 대한 이야기를, “그래도 최고의 순간은 온다 간단히 말하면서 마쳤다나는  친구 무어가   희망의 말보다 나를  깊이 감동시키고 고무시킨 적이 있었는지 알지 못한다하나님을 아는 사람만이 자신의 장래에 대하여 그처럼 확실하게 말할  있다.

The Bible makes this statement: “And this is the testimony: that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son.  He who has the Son has life: he who does not have the Son of God does not have life” (1 John 5:11,12). What this passage says to me is that in God’s eternal plan, there are really only two kinds of people, and in the end it is not our accomplishments but only our relationship with Christ that matters.

성경은 이렇게 말씀하신다: “ 증거는 이것이니 하나님이 우리에게 영생을 주신 것과  생명 그의 아들 안에 있는 그것이니라 아들이 있는 자에게는 생명 있고 하나님의 아들이 없는 자에게는 생명 없느니라” (요한1 5:11,12).  구절이 나에게 말해주는 것은하나님의 영원한 계획 안에서실제로 오직  종류의 사람들이 있고그리고 마지막에 중요한 것은 우리가 성취한 것이 아니고 오직 그리스도와 우리의 관계이다.

If you were in Paul’s situation, could you also say, “The best is yet to come”?

당신이 만약 폴의 입장에 있다면당신 역시 그래도 최고의 순간은 온다 말할  있을까요?


Fritz Klumpp and his wife, Ann, live in Ashland, Virginia, U.S.A. nHe was a U.S. Navy pilot, having served during the Vietnam War, retired after a career as a jet pilot for Delta Air Lines, served several years as executive director for CBMC-USA, and has been in the real estate business. He has a website, http://fritzklumpp.com.



CBMC INTERNATIONAL:  Jim Firnstahl, President

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Reflection/Discussion Questions



1.          What is your reaction to Fritz Klumpp’s story about his very accomplished, highly successful friend?

대단한 성취를 이루고 크게 성공한 자신의 친구에 대하여 프리츠 클럼프가  이야기에 대하여 어떻게 생각합니까?







2.         When you hear about very talented and gifted individuals that endure severe afflictions and hardships, how does that make you feel?

혹독한 고통과 고생을 견딘 아주 많은 재능과 은사를 받은 사람에 대하여 들었을 그것이 어떤 느낌을 줍니까?






3.          How is it possible to maintain a positive, optimistic outlook when confronted with great difficulty, particularly circumstances in which it appears a happy resolution is unlikely, or even impossible?

큰 어려움특별히 행복한 결말이 있을 것 같지 않거나심지어 불가능해 보이는 상황에 직면하였을 때어떻게 긍정적인낙관적인 전망을 유지하는 것이 가능할까요?





4.              At the end of this “Monday Manna,” Mr. Klumpp asks if you found yourself in a situation similar to what Paul is facing, would you be able to say, “The best is yet to come.” Could you say that with sincerity? Why or why not?

오늘 월요만나” 끝부분에클럼프씨는당신이 폴이 직면하고 있는 것과 유사한 상황에 처해 있다면, “그래도 최고의 순간은 온다 말할  있겠습니까 라고 묻는다당신은 진심으로 그렇게 말할  있습니까그렇게 말할  있거나 말하지 못하는 이유는?







NOTE: If you have a Bible and would like to review additional passages that relate to this topic, consider the following verses(관련성구):


     Isaiah() 41:10; Jeremiah() 29:11-13; Romans() 5:1-5, 8:28-29; 2 Corinthians(고전) 12:7-10; James() 1:2-8