Bulgaria Love1206 불가리아 해외 투자 유치관련 법령 Rules and Regulations for the Implementation of the Act on Encouraging Investment Prom. SG. 74/24 Aug 2004, amend. SG. 34/19 Apr 2005 Chapter one GENERAL PROVISIONS Art. 1. These Rules and Regulations set forth the terms and procedures for the implementation of the Act on Encouraging Investment (AEI) with regard to encouraging investments to Bulgaria, the activities of the state bodies in the fi.. 2007. 10. 24. 불가리아 투자진흥 법령 Encouragement of Investment Act Chapter I. GENERAL PROVISIONS Art. 1. This Act regulates the terms and procedures for encouraging investment in the country, the activities of the state authorities in the field of investment encouragement, as well as the protection of investments. Art. 2. A foreign person can make investments in the country by the order stipulated for residents citizens, having .. 2007. 10. 24. 불가리아 투자 핵심 가이드 불가리아 투자 핵심 가이드 = 목 차 = I. 불가리아 국가 개황 ............................. 1 II. 불가리아 투자 여건 ........................... 3 III. 투자유치 제도 ...................................... 7 IV. 법인 설립 ........................................... 11 V. 대표사무소 설립 ................................ 13 VI. 조세 제도 ................. 2007. 10. 24. 이전 1 ··· 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 ··· 402 다음