

환경 에너지

Montana municipality has chosen ts separating waste installation

KBEP 2010. 8. 31. 15:24

Montana municipality has chosen the company to build its separating waste installation - Bulgarian companies united in a consortium "Patnostroitelna Technika". The consortium has offered the lowest price - 6 771 000 BGN without VAT. Therefore it was preferred over the second competitor - Greek Helektor which offered 6 998 000 BGN.

Interest towards the construction of the separating installation was shown by 27 firms from 6 European countries, 5 gave offers - 2 Greek, 1 German and 2 Bulgarian. The candidates had to answer 17 requirements among which 20 million leva annual construction volume, experience in construction of such installations and present technique and specialists.

The financing comes from the state and the municipality.