CBMC. 만나785 공의는 범죄에 상응하게 집행되어야 한다 JUSTICE MUST FIT THE CRIME 공의는 범죄에 상응하게 집행되어야 한다 By: Rick Boxx A new department store was opening and I had the good fortune to obtain my first significant job at the age of only 15 years old. To say that my first day was a memorable one would be an understatement. 새로 백화점이 개점되고 있었는데 나는 운 좋게 귀중한 나의 첫 일자리를 .. 2008. 7. 15. 주고 싶은 마음은 어디에서 올까? WHERE DOES THE DESIRE TO GIVE COME FROM? 주고 싶은 마음은 어디에서 올까? By: Robert J. Tamasy For whatever reason, “reality TV” has grabbed a significant share of regular programming in recent years. Instead of scripted, rehearsed presentations, TV networks increasingly are turning to real-life dramas and competitions to fill their daily schedules. I will not weigh the relative .. 2008. 7. 7. 돈: 얼마면 충분한가? MONEY: HOW MUCH IS ENOUGH? 돈: 얼마면 충분한가? By: Rick Warren Money tends to dominate our lives. Much of our time is consumed by earning it, spending it, saving it, investing it, giving it, even thinking about it. A major survey recently showed financial tensions and conflicts are major factors in more than 50 percent of all divorces. 돈이 우리 삶을 지배하는 경향이 있다... 2008. 6. 30. 이전 1 ··· 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 ··· 262 다음