CBMC. 만나791 제9차 유럽 한인CBMC대회 소개 - 터키 안탈랴 2011. 8. 20. 할 수 있는 일은 조종하고, 할 수 없는 일은 무시하라 CONTROL WHAT WE CAN, IGNORE WHAT WE CANNOT 할 수 있는 일은 조종하고, 할 수 없는 일은 무시하라 By Robert D. Foster I came across these observations some time ago, written by an unknown author. Although I cannot give proper credit where it is due, nevertheless these timeless insights are worthy of our consideration. Read each thought and then, like a cow chewing its cud over a.. 2011. 8. 15. 명확한 비전을 알려주기 COMMUNICATING A CLEAR VISION 명확한 비전을 알려주기 By Rick Boxx Not long ago Steve, a friend of mine, was asked, "If you started your business over again, what would you do differently?" Steve answered quickly and decisively: "I would immediately clarify the vision, mission, and values of the business and constantly communicate it to staff." 얼마 전에 나의 친구 스티브는, .. 2011. 8. 8. 이전 1 ··· 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 ··· 264 다음