

Bulgaria Love/불가리아 뉴스 644

Covid-19 in Bulgaria: Rules for the new school year

Among the various common challenges raised by the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, the issue of how to bring pupils back into classrooms in a safe way has been among the most pressing in recent weeks. In Bulgaria, the initial disruption of the lockdown triggered by the pandemic – lasting for two months between mid-March and mid-May – saw schools switch to distance learning until the end of the 2019/20..

China's Xingyu acquires land for factory construction in Serbia - report

China's Xingyu acquires land for factory construction in Serbia - report Source: XingyuBELGRADE (Serbia), January 10 (SeeNews) - Chinese company Changzhou Xingyu Automotive Lighting Systems has acquired land for the construction of a 50 million euro ($55.5 million) factory in Nis, in eastern Serbia, according to Serbian media reports. Xingyu has purchased a land plot of 6.6 hec..

Sofia blue-chip stock index extends winning run backed by Sirma Group, Sopharma

Sofia blue-chip stock index extends winning run backed by Sirma Group, Sopharma Photo: Bulgarian Stock Exchange / All rights reserved.SOFIA (Bulgaria), January 6 (SeeNews) - The Bulgarian Stock Exchange's blue-chip SOFIX index extended its winning streak to four trading sessions after closing 0.36% higher at 570.65 points on Monday. The index was supported by software group Sir..

러-불가리아, 외교관 상호 추방…"푸틴, 불가리아 지도부 비난"

러-불가리아, 외교관 상호 추방…"푸틴, 불가리아 지도부 비난" 러시아와 발칸반도 국가 불가리아가 서로 상대국 외교관을 맞추방하는 외교전을 벌이며 갈등을 겪고 있다.러시아 외무부는 5일(현지시간) 주러 불가리아 대사관 참사를 '페르소나 논 그라타'(외교적 기피인물)로 지정해 추방..

EU 최저임금 체계 방안 이달 발표…일부 회원국은 '우려'

EU 최저임금 체계 방안 이달 발표…일부 회원국은 '우려' (브뤼셀=연합뉴스) 김정은 특파원 = 유럽연합(EU) 행정부 격인 집행위원회가 이달 EU 최저임금 체계에 대한 방안을 공개할 예정이다. 그러나 일부 회원국은 이에 대한 우려를 표하고 있어 마찰이 예상된다. 2일(현지시간) EU 전문매체..