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The Rules on which the National Assembly May Propose Candidates for a CEM Member

by KBEP 2019. 6. 12.

The Rules on which the National Assembly May Propose Candidates for a CEM Member

The Parliamentary Committee on Culture and Media adopted the rules for the nomination of candidates for membership of the Council for Electronic Media (CEM) from the quota of the National Assembly, as well as the selection procedure.

It is expected that the rules will be voted in Plenary next week, after which MPs from all parliamentary groups will have a 7-day term to announce the candidates, explained Deputy Chairperson Diana Savateva from GERB:

"The mandate of Ivo Atanasov as a member of the CEM from the quota of the National Assembly expires on July 17. When a mandate expires, it is quite reasonable for the respective committee to start the procedure for the election of a new member of the CEM.The procedural rules that we adopted today, must be approved by Parliament first and once approved by Parliament, then the deadline for the submission of applications will begin. "

Bulgaria: The Rules on which the National Assembly May Propose Candidates for a CEM Member