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Bulgaria Love/불가리아 뉴스

불가리아 유통시장 개황

by KBEP 2007. 9. 25.

1. 불가리아 유통시장 개황

불가리아의 유통시장은 크게 대형매장중심의 도매시장과 일반 전통적인 영세 규모의 소매시장으로 구분되나 소매 부문의 경우에도 대형 매장 중심으로 전환되고 있는 추세에 있다.

대형 유통매장은 독일, 오스트리아 등 서유럽 유통업체가 주도하고 있으며 일부 가정용품 및 전자제품, 가구 등 전문분야별로는 불가리아 국내 업체가 주도하고 있다.

2001년도 불가리아 총부가가치(GVA)를 기준으로 한 유통부문 규모는 BGN 2,159백만으로 전체의 BGN 24,570백만의 8.8%를 차지하고 있으며 1999년의 BGN 1,599백만, 2000년 BGN 1,818백만 등에서 급격히 증가하는 추세에 있다.

2. 불가리아 유통업체 현황


1990년대 후반 서유럽 대형 유통업체의 진출로 인해 대형 유통시장 규모가 큰 폭으로 확대되고 있다. 1999년 독일 METRO사의 불가리아 진출 이후 급격히 성장해서 METRO를 통한 매출액은 전체 소매시장의 5%를 차지할 정도가 됐다.

The Metro effect: Cash-and-carry firm Metro (Germany) has had a big impact since 1999: its turnover is equivalent to nearly 5% of total retail sales, and its share in alcohol distribution could be as high as 40%. With six stores to date -- two in Sofia, and one each in Plovdiv, Ruse, Varna, and Stara Zagora -- Metro has impressive reach. Its wholesale prices are competitive enough to tempt some FMCG firms away from other distributors, especially those selling to kiosks. But FMCG companies taking the Metro route might lose control over product presentation.

METRO Bulgaria AD
Address: bul. Tsarigradsko shosse 7-11 km, 1784 Sofia
Tel: (02) 9762333
Fax: (02) 9762203
e-mail: emilian.abadjiev@metro.bg
web: www.metrocc.com (there is NO an actual Bulgarian site of METRO!)
Established: 1998
Capital: 74500000
Profit 2001: 9692000 (top 500)
Number of employees: 1575

식품분야에서는 오스트리아의 Billa사가 진출하여 큰 호응을 얻고 있다.

Billa Bulgaria Ltd
Member of the Rewe Group
주소: bul. Bulgaria 55, 1404 Sofia
전화번호: (02)  8188110
팩스: (02) 9174046
e-mail: d.spassov@bg.billa.co.at
web: www.billa.bg
Established: 1999
Profit 2001: 634000 (top 500)
Executives: Jan Kunat (Manager); Dimiter Ivanov Spasov (Manager); Evdokia Todorova (Procurator) Bulgaria
Address: bul. Bulgaria 55,Sofia
Tel.: (02) 917 40 10
Fax: (02) 917 40 46
E-mail (manager): d.spassov@bg.billa.co.at

ㅇ  Ramstore (Turkey)
회사명: Ramstore Bulgaria Jsc
주소: bul. Alexander Stamboliiski 196, 1373 Sofia
전화번호: (02) 9200550; 9200077
팩스: (02) 9202017
Web: http://www.ramstore.bg
설립년도: 1999
Number of employees: 100
Executives: Osman Yuldaram (Exec. Director); Tamer Kazak (Procurator)

ㅇ Ena (Greece)
Ena Bulgaria Ltd
Address: N. Jekov Blvd., near bl. 12, Svoboda District, Sofia 1231
Tel.: (02) 936 05 46
Fax: (02) 936 05 46 (manual!)
E-mail: enashop@interbgc.com 

ㅇ Elemag – chain store of supermarkets in Sofia
Agro-industrial-Bojidar Petrakiev P.M.
Address: j.k. Drujba, bl. 86, vh. V, ap. 44 , 1592 Sofia
Tel: (02) 9632237
Fax: (02) 9631984
Established: 1991
Number of employees: 50
Executives: Bojidar Petrakiev (Manager)
Trade Name: Elemag 

ㅇ Oasis Plc. (several supermarkets in Sofia)
Address: Lyulin 9, 1324 Sofia
Tel: (02) 257112; 9276166
Fax: (02) 927 61 66
Contact Person: Mr. Roumen Savov (Supplies department – for non alimentary products as washing detergents, cosmetics, etc.)

ㅇ Boyla Ltd Shopping Centre
Address: Samokovsko shosse 1, 1138 Sofia
Tel: (02) 9175501
Fax: (02) 9745031
e-mail: boyla@mail.boyla.net
Web site: www.boyla.net
Established: 1995
Number of employees: 100
Executives: Selena Koleva (Manager) 

사무용 제품 및 사무용 소모품

ㅇ Office 1 Superstore 체인: In the office supplies sector, the US-franchised Office 1 Superstore chain has 61 outlets in 31 Bulgarian towns
Panda Koop Ltd
Address: Drujba 1, 12 Iliya Beshkov Str., Sofia 1528 Bulgaria
Tel.: (02)  978 41 84 (telephone operator)/  942 75 14
Fax: (02) 978 45 16
E-mail: elica@hg.panda.bg
Web site: http://www.panda.bg  http://www.office1.bg
Contact Person: Mrs. Elica; Mrs. Svetla Lukova (Sales Department)
Details about the Company: The Company is one of the largest suppliers of office equipment and materials (paper, machines, any goods for office use). Office 1 Superstore was established in 1997, Panda Koop being the main franchiser for Bulgaria. The Company controls more than 70 stores offering more than 7 000 items for sale. In each store there is a business center, that offers services as laminating, copy service, banding, printing out of letter heads, business cards, etc.

ㅇCantek-Bulgaria Ltd
Address: bul. Nikola Petkov 5a, 1619 Sofia
Tel: (02) 9604600; 9604777
Fax: (02) 9571497
E-mail: office@cantek.bg/ president@cantek.bg
Web: www.cantek.bg
Established: 1993
Number of employees: 100
Executives: Milcho Ivanov Borov (Manager)
Field of Activity: Office Equipment, Foreign Companies’ Representative
 - - can handle importing, distribution and retailing.

ㅇ  Prestige Business(보유매장 30개)
Prestige Business Ltd.
Address: 47, Cherni Vrah Blvd., Vitosha Factory, 1st floor, Sofia
Tel: (02) 986 68 24; 962 82 82
Fax: (02) 9816162
e-mail: prestige@profficecat.com
web: www.prestige-bg.com
Established: 1992
Executives: Victor Davchev (Manager), Mr. Roumen Radev
Field of Activity: Trade with office equipment and consumables; chain stores for stationery;

가정용품 및 전자제품

ㅇ Technopolis - 체인점; LG및 삼성한국상표- TV, video등 전자제품을 위한 특별한 판매권의 소유업체임;
회사명: Videolux
주소: Mladost 4, Okolovrasten pat, Supermarket ‘Technopolis’, Sofia 1715
전화번호: (02) 921 11 92; 921 11 11
Fax: (02) 921 1608
이메일: tony@technopolis.bg
Web: www.technopoli: Mr. Tony Yankulov (Supplies Department)

ㅇ Technomarket ‘Evropa’
Top Video Ltd-Technomarket
Address: bul. Iskarsko shosse 7, Targovski centar “EVROPA”, 1528 Sofia
Tel: (02) 9259825; 9421421
Fax: (02) 9259825
e-mail: info@kkelectronics.com
web: www.kkelectronics.com
Established: 1992
Number of employees: 200
Executives: Margarita Georgieva Bogatinova (Manager)
Field of Activity: audio and video goods mainly, chain store

ㅇ Zora (냉장고, 전기난로 기타 전기제품 판매 체인점)
Zora-M.M.M.C. Ltd
Address: ul. Chepinsko shosse 15, 1225 Sofia
Tel: (02)  9316150; 9366996
Fax: (02) 9366157
e-mail: zora@satline.net
web: www.zora-bg.com
Established: 1990
Number of employees: 120
Partners: Georgi Stefanov Milushev; Stefan Georgiev Milushev; Plamen Stoikov Stoikov
Distributor of: Ariston
Distributor of: Crown
Distributor of: Vestfrost
Distributor of: Indesit
Distributor of: Airforce
Distributor of: Classlined Thermex

ㅇ Interservice Uzunovi Plc
주소: ul. Devnya 16 9000 Varna
전화번호: (052) 610262; 630100
팩스: (052) 630730
이메일: office@isu.bg
설립년도: 1990
직원종합수: 260
수출지역: 서구주 및 중서구주 지역 나라
수입지역: 스페인, 영국, 이탈리아 등
회장:  Mr. Krassimir Todorov Uzunov (Manager)
연락처: Mr. Ivan Dimitrov (광고부)
Distributor of: Edesa
Distributor of: Bernstein Group
휴대폰 (GSM)

ㅇ Videolux
Address: Mladost 4, Okolovrasten pat, Supermarket ‘Technopolis’, Sofia 1715
Tel.: (02) 921 11 92
Fax: (02) 92111 93
Web site: www.technopolis.bg
E-mail: tony@technopolis.bg vlux@videolux.bg
Contact Person: Mr. Tony Yankulov (Supplies Department)

ㅇ  MobilTel(이동통신서비스업체)
Address: 1 Kukush Str., Zaharna fabrika, Sofia 1309
Tel.: (02) 8123 000
Fax: (02) 812 39 87
E-mail: janet@mobiltel.bg
Web page: www.mtel.net
Contact Person: Mrs. Janet Chomakova (in charge of the GSM providers, GSM import activity)

ㅇ JEFF (mobile phone chain store)
Address: 108 Samuil Str.  Sofia
Tel.: (02) 931 34 34
Fax: (02) 931 48 48
E-mail: mobile@jeff.bg
Contact Person:  Mr. Georgi Mitov (Commercial Director)
Web page: www.jeff.bg

ㅇ Germanos (Germanos Telecom Bulgaria Plc)
Address: ul. Industrialna 11, 1202 Sofia
Tel: (02) 9178738
Fax: (02) 9178736
Established: 2000
Profit 2001: 534000 (top 500)
Executives: Aristotelis Fotilas (Exec. Director); Panos Germanos (Exec. Director) OR
Tel.: (02) 976 93 85
Fax: (02) 9769 387
E-mail: kiril@germanos.bg
Contact Person: Mr. Kiril Nikolov
Field of Activity: 체인점 – 휴대폰, walkman, CD walkman, 악세사리등

ㅇ Globul (이동통신서비스업체)
Cosmo Bulgaria Mobile EAD
Address: Sofia 1784, "Mladost 1", 8 "Acad. E. Pavlovski" Str.
Tel.: (02) 9428 340; 94 28 000
Fax: (02) 942 8010
E-mail: care@globul.bg (general customer’s matters)  madivanova@globul.bg
Contact Person: Mr. Stoycho Gerginov, Mrs. Madivanova (in charge of the supplies of GSM and other mobile equipment)
Field of Activity: GloBul is the trademark by which the company Cosmo Bulgaria Mobile EAD offers mobile telecommunication services in Bulgaria. Created in 2001,now-how.

ㅇ Electroimpex (chain stores ‘da, da’)
Address: 17, “George Washington” Str., Sofia 1301
Tel.: (02) 93 27 480
E-mail: deal@dada.bg
Contact Person: Mr. Dimitar Mirchev, Mrs. Vateva (Supplies Department)
Field of activities: the chain is specialized in GSM sales; the trade mark of the Company is ‘Da, da’

가정용 수리도구

ㅇ Doverie-Brico Jsc (정원관리용품 등 전문체인점)
Address:, bul. Tsarigradsko shosse 115, 1784 Sofia
Tel: (02) 9602060
Fax: (02) 9602050
e-mail: doverie-brico@mr-bricolage.bg
Established: 1999
Profit 2001: 561000 BGN (top 500)
Executives: Anton Zdravkov Lazarov (Exec. Director)
Trade Mark: Mr Bricolage

ㅇ Stambouli Bulgaria OOD
Address : 16A, Srebarna Str., Sofia 1407
Tel: (02) 962 50 00
Fax : (02) 962 51 51
Contact person: Mr. Ivanov
E-mail: mail@stambouli.bg
Web site: www.stambouli.com
Details: one of the biggest importer and distributor of FMCG products on the Bulgarian market. Also runs 29 retail shops all over the country – Bonjour chain

ㅇ Interbrands Ltd (레바논계 미국인 소유, Colgate, Palmolive, Swatch)
Address: Zaharna fabrika, 2 Kukush Str. 8th floor, Sofia 1309
Tel.: (02) 920 00 24
Fax: (02) 920 08 26

ㅇ Kaven-Iradis(P&G, Johnson Wax 제품 업체)
Address: Hadji Dimitar district, 5, Rezbarska Str. 2nd floor, Sofia 1510
Tel.: (02) 917 45 00
Fax: (02) 917 45 85
E-mail: headoffice@kaven-iradis.com

ㅇ Fortuna (Chio Chips, Nivea)
Address: 14, Korab planina Str., Lozenetz,  Sofia 1407
Tel.: (02) 942 44 00
Fax: (02) 942 44 22


ㅇ Shell (74 trading units)
Shell Bulgaria Plc
Address: Hadji Dimitar District, 5, Rezbarska Str., Sofia 1510
Tel.: (02) 9454 651; 94 54 64
Fax: (02) 94 54 929
E-mail: Shell.Bulgaria@OPE.shell.com Or Fuels and Sales network:
Tel.: (02) 945 49 51
Fax: (02) 9454 732
E-mail: Retail.Bulgaria@OPE.shell.com
Web site: www.shell.bg

ㅇ OMV (64 trading units)
OMV Bulgaria EOOD
Address: Prima Business Center 7th floor, Sofia 1612
Tel.: (02) 932 97 10
Fax:  (02) 932 97 13
E-mail: omvbg@bitex.com

ㅇ Lukoil (29 trading units)
LUKOIL Bulgaria
Address: Bulgaira, 1421 Sofia, 59 А Cherni Vrah Blvd
Fax: +359 2 96 22 228

ㅇ Ekopetroleum
Address: 65, Shipchenski prohod Str. 4th floor, Sofia 1574
Tel.: (02) 971 35 59; 971 34 38
Fax: (02) 971 34 91
E-mail: ecoinvst@einet.bg
Web Site: www.ekopetroleum.com
Contact Person: Mr. Petar TZONEV (General Manager)

ㅇPetrol (440 small units; - a big, but very small in sales area chain)
Petrol S.A.
Address: Sofia, 43"Cherni vrah"Blvd.
E-mail: office@petrol.bg
Tel: (02) 969 0 226 ; 969 0 307
Fax: (02) 969 0 350 ; 969 0 210
Web site: www.petrol.bg

직영매장 운영업체

ㅇ  Sofiz Ltd
주소: ul. Bacho Kiro 49, 1000 Sofia
Tel: (02) 9833767; 9832268
Fax: (02) 9831279
e-mail: sofiz@mbox.digsys.bgEstablished: 1991
Number of employees: 56
Executives: Ivan Zahariev (Manager)

ㅇ Bai Gencho (포도주 유통업체)
Bai Gencho Ltd
주소 : bul. Yanko Sakazov 24, 1504 Sofia
Tel: (02) 9441419; 9865430
Fax: (02) 465406
e-mail: baj_gencho@mbox.infotel.bg
Established: 1993
Partners: Zdravko Genchev Zdravkov; Iskra Georgieva Stamenova

ㅇ Globus Commerce
Address: 126 “Tsar Boris III” Blvd.,fl. 8, office 809 Sofia
Tel.: (02) 974 50 40
Fax: (02) 955 95 48
e-mail: globus@globuscommerce.com
Field of Activity: Trade with spare parts for heavy trucks and machinery;  handles 5 – 6 shops throughout the country; plans on diversifying its activity with trade with spare parts for automobiles;  

ㅇ Sanita
Sanita Trading JSC
Address: 2 “Vidlich” Str., Sofia 1612
Contact person: Mr. Milko Stoyanov (International Operations)
Tel: (02) 91 71 613
Fax: (02) 958 64 14
E-mail: milkos@sanita.bg
Details: Leader in the distribution of pharmaceutical products, sanitary-hygiene materials and cosmetics in Bulgaria. According to official information of the Bulgarian Drug Agency, SANITA is pharmaceutical importer No 1 from 1995 to 2001. Separate company “ Sanita Franchising” develops pharmacies and at the moment Beauty Centers.
Logistics companies

Address: 1504 Sofia, Bulgaria 56 V, Yanko Sakazov Blvd.
Tel: (02) 9 444 570, 46 50 63
Fax: (02) 9 444 570
mobile: (087) 550 536
E-mail: office@mart.bg
MART BULGARIA LTD is a national distributor of fast circulating technological articles (http://mart.bg/en/about.php)  - The operation of our distribution has been differentiated in three main directions - stations for distribution of printed matter, network of shops and stations for the sale of victuals. Supplies to more than 2,000 outlets in 12 towns and cities are performed through the network of MART. It is the result of the efficient logistic interaction among the products we present.

ㅇ Polipost:
Address: 83 A “Iskur” Str., Sofia 1504
Tel.: (02) 846-81-66
E-mail: head_office@polipost.bg
Contact person: Lyudmil Yosifov (CEO)
Web site:  http://www.polipost.bg
The Company provides distribution and logistics service.

기타 유통업체

ㅇ WS-Teleshop International Ltd
Address: ul. Tintyava 9, 1113 Sofia
Tel: (02) 9699050; 969 90 55
Fax: (02) 9699066
Contact person: Stoycho Tilev
E-mail: info@teleshop.bg
web: www.teleshop.bg
Company Profile: Selling goods through TV. once a product enters the system, it is sold in every country where WS Teleshop has an affiliated office.
Executives: Nadejda Azmanova (Manager)

인터넷 판매업체

There are more and more emerging companies in the cyber space which offer their goods on-line. The site of www.911.bg is a typical e-shop. More links about e-shops can be found at www.bulstore.com.
The payment of the goods is made usually credit cards.
Other, e-commerce and business directories’ web sites: