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리드할 것인가, 아니면 뒤꿈치를 깨물 것인가?

by KBEP 2021. 3. 15.

리드할 것인가, 아니면 뒤꿈치를 깨물 것인가?


By Robert J. Tamasy


  , 나는  친구  존슨의 시골집 근처에서 양을 길렀던 경험을 바탕으로 그와 함께 책을 공동 집필하는 특권을 누리게 되었다. 성경에서도 양에 관해 자주 언급하고 있기 때문에 이러한 양들의 신기한 습성들을  친구로부터 배우고 글을 쓰는 것은 교육적일 뿐만 아니라 새로운 깨달음을 주었다.

Years ago, I had the privilege of co-authoring a book with a friend, Ken Johnson, based on his experiences of raising sheep near his rural home. The Bible has a lot to say about sheep, so learning from him and writing about the curious behavior that sheep exhibit was both educational and enlightening.


성경에는 양과 목자, 어린양과  떼에 관한 것이 수십  언급되어 있으며, 사람을 양과 비교하는 것도 흔히 찾아볼  있다. 하지만 보통 이러한 비교는 칭찬받을 만한 것이 아니다. 예를 들면, 양은 지저분하고 지능이 낮은 동물이며, 제멋대로 내버려 두면 여러 가지 어려움에 처할 수밖에 없다고들 이야기하기 때문이다. 따라서 양들은 자신들에게서 눈을 떼지 않고, 어려운 상황 가운데서 자신을 구출해내고 돌봐  목자가 필요한 것이다.

There are dozens of references in the Scriptures about sheep, shepherds, lambs and flocks, and frequently people are compared to sheep. But usually, these comparisons are not complimentary. For instance, sheep are dirty, stupid animals. Left to their own devices, sheep cannot help but get themselves in many kinds of difficulty. So they need a shepherd, someone to keep watch over them, care for and rescue them in times of trouble.


양의 독특한 특징  하나는 목자에 대한 끊임없는 충성심이다. 어느  친구의 농장을 방문했을 , 그가 내게 이를 증명해 보여주었다. 양들은 목장에서 조용히 풀을 뜯고 있었다. 켄이 말했다.

양들을 불러봐

불러보았지만, 아무런 반응이 없었다.

고함을 지르거나 휘파람을 불어봐

그가 제안했고,  또한  말을 따라 했지만 역시 반응은 없었다. 양들이 갑자기 귀머거리가 되었을까? 그때 켄이 평범한 목소리로 그들을 불렀다.  즉시 그의    구성원은 머리를 들고 자기 목자의 지시에 주목했다.

One of the unique traits of sheep is undivided loyalty to the shepherd. My friend demonstrated this when I visited his farm home one day. The sheep were in the pasture, quietly grazing. Ken said, “Call out to the sheep.” I did but received no response. “Yell at them, or whistle,” he suggested. I did those things too, but no reaction. Had they all suddenly gone deaf? Then Ken called to them in a normal voice tone. Instantly each member of his flock raised its head, attentive to their shepherd’s instructions.


최근 어떤 강사가 양치기에 자주 사용되는 견종  하나인 보더콜리에 관해 설명하는 것을 듣고 위의 경험을 떠올리게 되었다. 이들은 양들을 앞에서 이끌지 않고, 짖거나 양의 발뒤꿈치를 깨무는 행동을 통해 방향을 인도한다고 한다. 이는 강요하지 않으면서 앞에서 양을 인도하는 방법과 극명한 대조를 이룬다. 양치기 개는 양들을 성가시게 하고 겁먹게 하지만, 양치기는  떼를 조심스럽게 인도한다.

I was reminded of this experience recently after hearing a speaker describe a border collie, a breed of dog often used for managing sheep. These dogs don’t lead but direct the sheep by barking and nipping at their heels. This is in sharp contrast to the trusted sheep who leads the sheep without coercion. The sheep dog annoys and even frightens, while the shepherd caringly guides the flock.

  가지 상반된 스타일은 많은 비즈니스  전문인 경영진이 리더십에 접근하는 방식과도 유사하다. 어떤 이들은 따라오는 사람들에게 길을 보여주고 인도함으로써 리드하는 반면, 다른 이들은 자신에게 주어진 사람들의  뒤꿈치를 깨무는 정도의 수준으로 그들을 움직이게 만든다.  가지 접근 방식 모두 성과를 얻을  있겠지만, 사람을 관리하고 이끄는  있어  선호되는 방법은 있게 마련이다. 예수 그리스도는 그의 가장 유명한 말씀  하나에서 목자 비유를 사용하셨다.

These two contrasting styles are similar to how many business and professional executives approach leadership. Some lead by showing the way and guiding those who follow; others get their people moving by the equivalent of nipping at their heels. Both approaches can yield results, but there is a preferred way to go about managing and leading people. In one of His best-known messages, Jesus Christ used the shepherd-flock metaphor:


훌륭한 리더는 알려지게 되어있으며, 신뢰받는다.

예수님께서는 목자와  떼의 비유로 가르치고 말씀하셨다.

문으로 들어가는 이는 양의 목자라 문지기는 그를 위하여 문을 열고 양은 그의 음성을 듣나니 그가 자기 양의 이름을 각각 불러 인도하여 내느니라 자기 양을  내놓은 후에 앞서 가면 양들이 그의 음성을 아는 고로 따라오되”(요한복음 10:2-4)

The effective leader is known and trusted. Teaching by using the metaphor of a shepherd and his flock, Jesus observed, “The man who enters by the gate is the shepherd of his sheep…the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out…he goes ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice” (John 10:2-4).


뒤꿈치를 깨무는  충성심을 고취시키지 못한다.

반면, 강압이나 두려움을 사용해 리드하는 사람은 직원들에게 목자 통하지 않는다. 그들은 이러한 사람을 신뢰를 바탕으로 따르는 사람으로 인정하지 않는다. 명령을 따른다면 이는 충성심이 아닌 필요에 의한 행동일 뿐이다. 그들은 그러한 리더가 자신들의 최대 이익을 위한 영웅이라고 느끼지 못한다.

타인의 음성은 알지 못하는 고로 타인을 따르지 아니하고 도리어 도망하느니라삯꾼은 목자가 아니요 양도  양이 아니라 이리가 오는 것을 보면 양을 버리고 달아나나니 이리가 양을 물어 가고  헤치느니라 달아나는 것은 그가 삯꾼인 까닭에 양을 돌보지 아니함이나”(요한복음 10:5, 12-13)

The ‘heel-nipper’ does not inspire loyalty. In contrast, the one who leads by coercion or fear is not regarded by staff people as a “shepherd.” They do not accept this person as one to follow out of trust; if they follow orders, it is out of necessity, not inspired loyalty. They do not sense he is a champion for their best interests. “But they will never follow a stranger; in fact, they will run away from him because they do not recognize a stranger’s voice…. The hired hand is not the shepherd who owns the sheep. So when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away…because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep” (John 10:5,12-13).


훌륭한 리더는 다른 사람의 이익을 우선시한다.

리더가 자신들의 최대 이익을 도모하고 있다고 믿는 사람들은 보통 자신의 직무의 범위를 넘어서 필요한 것보다 훨씬  많은 일을 하려고 한다. 희생정신을 보이는 리더는 쉽게 따를  있다.

나는 선한 목자라 선한 목자는 양들을 위하여 목숨을 버리거니와 삯꾼은 목자가 아니요 양도  양이 아니라 이리가 오는 것을 보면 양을 버리고 달아나나니 이리가 양을 물어 가고  헤치느니라 달아나는 것은 그가 삯꾼인 까닭에 양을 돌보지 아니함이나 나는 선한 목자라 나는  양을 알고 양도 나를 아는 것이 아버지께서 나를 아시고 내가 아버지를 아는  같으니 나는 양을 위하여 목숨을 버리노라”(요한복음 10:11-15)

The effective leader puts the interests of others first. People will often go far “beyond the call of duty,” doing much more than required because they trust their leader has their best interests at heart – sometimes even putting those ahead of his own. A leader who exhibits a sacrificial spirit is easy to follow. “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep…. I know my sheep and my sheep know me – and I lay down my life for the sheep” (John 10:11-15).


토론  적용 주제

Reflection/Discussion Questions


1.    비즈니스와 전문인 세계와 관련된 양과 목자 이야기 가운데서 당신이 가장 중요하다고 생각되는 아이디어 또는 원칙은 무엇입니까?

What do you find to be the most important idea or principle in this discussion of sheep and shepherds as it relates to the business and professional world? 





2.    만약 당신이 리더 또는 관리의 책임을 지고 있다면, 자신이 목자라고 생각하나요, 아니면 뒤꿈치를 깨무는   가깝습니까?

If you have leadership or management responsibilities, would you see yourself as a shepherd, or more like the ‘heel-nipper’? Explain your answer.





3.    직원들과 상호작용하는 방식으로 목자의 역할을 보여주는(혹은 본보기가 되는) 사람과 일해본 경험이 있습니까? 실질적 측면에서 그것이 어떻게 보여지는지 설명해봅시다.

Who have you worked for – or with – that exemplified (or exemplifies) the role of the shepherd in the way he or she interacts with their staff? Describe what this looks like in a practical sense.





4.    리더에 대한  신뢰와 그가 직원의 최대 이익을 도모하는 사람이라는 믿음이 있으면, 사람들은 주어진 것보다 더욱 열심히 일하는 경향이 있다는 말에 동의합니까?  그럴까요?

Do you agree that people are more inclined to work hard, even well beyond what is required, for the leader in whom they have great trust and believe has their best interests in mind? Why or why not?                




 참고: 성경에서  주제에 관련된 내용을  알고 싶다면, 아래 구절을 참고하세요.

NOTE: If you have a Bible and would like to read more, consider the following passages:

시편 119:176; 이사야 53:6; 예레미야 50:6; 요한복음 1:29-31,35; 베드로전서 2:25, 5:2-6

Psalm 119:176; Isaiah 53:6; Jeremiah 50:6; John 1:29-31,35; 1 Peter 2:25, 5:2-6


ž   잃은  같이 내가 방황하오니 주의 종을 찾으소서 내가 주의 계명들을 잊지 아니함이니이다(시편 119:176)

ž   우리는   같아서 그릇 행하여 각기  길로 갔거늘 여호와께서는 우리 모두의 죄악을 그에게 담당시키셨도다(이사야 53:6)

ž    백성은 잃어버린  떼로다  목자들이 그들을 곁길로 가게 하여 산으로 돌이키게 하였으므로 그들이 산에서 언덕으로 돌아다니며  곳을 잊었도다(예레미야 50:6)

ž   이튿날 요한이 예수께서 자기에게 나아오심을 보고 이르되 보라 세상 죄를 지고 가는 하나님의 어린 양이로다 내가 전에 말하기를  뒤에 오는 사람이 있는데 나보다 앞선 것은 그가 나보다 먼저 계심이라  것이  사람을 가리킴이라 나도 그를 알지 못하였으나 내가 와서 물로 침례를 베푸는 것은 그를 이스라엘에 나타내려 함이라 하니라(요한복음 1:29-31)

ž    이튿날 요한이 자기 제자   사람과 함께 섰다가(요한복음 1:35)

ž   너희가 전에는 양과 같이 길을 잃었더니 이제는 너희 영혼의 목자와 감독되신 이에게 돌아왔느니라(베드로전서 2:25)



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