

환경 에너지

Support for creation and development of starting innovative enterprise

KBEP 2010. 1. 16. 00:05

Support for creation and development of starting innovative enterprises


Framework Program “Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy”







No deadline


Goal of the program:

The goal of the procedure for financial grant is to increase the number of successful innovative enterprises by providing support in the most risky phase of their development i.e. phase of development of the basis and innovative product or process of the company in its pre-market preparation – to the development of a draft sample.


Total amount of the financial means under this procedure:

27 219 586.11 BGN


Financial grant:

Minimum 40 000 and maximum 391 166 BGN


Percent co-financing:

Minimum 10% from the total eligible expenses of the project must be financed by own candidate means or sources different than EU budget and European Development Fund.


Activities that will receive support:


·       Creation of programs and methodologies for research, measurement and testing connected with development of the defined innovative product or process;

·       Doing research, measurement and testing connected with the development of the defined innovative product or process;

·       Development of production technologies respectively for creation and realization of the innovative product or process;

·       Creation of industrial design;

·       Protection of the industrial property at national and international level and the required expert help

·       Development of business plans, market analysis and researches, financial and marketing plans for market realization of the innovative product or process;

·       Demonstration organization, fairs participation and other promotional activities connected with the popularization of the innovative product or process; including development of web site of the company-beneficiary;

·       Consultant and lawyer services connected with licensing, rights on industrial property income; supply of technology and equipment.